EPT - Enviromental Protection Thechnologies

Telephone +972-9-8858588    |    Fax +972-9-8858225

About Us

Environmental Protection Technologies Ltd. (EPT) offers comprehensive engineering services in the field of water and wastewater treatment, disposal and reuse. EPT utilizes both, conventional and advanced technologies, to provide solutions for a wide range of problems and challenges in the field of wastewater and water treatment, water recycling and reuse, as well as in the renewable energy and products recovery markets.

EPT is a private firm, founded in 1989 with the prime objectives of initiating and executing projects in the industrial and municipalities sectors.

EPT track record includes more than 30 water and wastewater treatment plants, water recycling and reuse and energy and products recovery projects in Israel, Europe and South America.

As most of the projects are based on a "Turn Key" concept, EPT has the capabilities to design, construct and operate water and wastewater treatment plants. In the industrial sector, due to unique wastewater characterization, most of the projects are "tailor made" solutions follows some feasibility tests (Pilots and/or bench scale tests).

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