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Projects  //  Strauss

Anaerobic Lagoon for Dairy Wastewater


Facts & Figures

Location: Ashdod, Israel

Wastewater Source: Dairy

Daily Flow Rate: 900 m3/day

COD Load: 9,000 kg/day

FOG Load: 1,000 kg/day

Effluent Discharge: Municipal WWTP

Contract type: BOT

Completion Date: 2009



Strauss dairy, as part of the local water collection system, was requested to treat its industrial wastewater in order to reach effluent quality in accordance with Municipal WW treatment discharge limits. Dairy wastewater is characterized by having high levels of FOG's aside of its high organic load. 

The treatment scheme is based on a low rate engineered anaerobic lagoon, which is covered with a double layer PVC cover.

The long retention time enables over 95% removal of FOG's and over 90% removal of the organic load.


The biogas which is produced during the anaerobic biological treatment is used for steam production in a dedicated 4 ton/hour steam boiler.


Design parameters were mainly influenced by discharge limits which were established by the local authorities.

Optimal O&M costs, both in manpower and chemical usage, the proximity to food grade products, minimization of environmental impact and other technical considerations have resulted in a robust system design.

© All marks are the property of EPT ldt. 2025   |   developed: Dotbox Solutions |  Design: 84 Zebras Studio  |  Project Management: NETAG