DAF & Anaerobic Biobulk Reactor for Dairy Wastewater
Facts & Figures
Location: Noam Industrial Park, Israel
Wastewater Source: Dairy
Daily Flow Rate: 2,200 m3/day
COD Load: 12,000 kg/day
Volumetric Loading Rate (VLR): 2-4 kg COD/m3/day
Biogas Production: 4,000 Nm3/day
FOG Load: 2,500 kg/day
Effluent Discharge: Municipality
Contract type: Turn-key + O&M
Completion Date: 2011
Milko Industries operates a complex dairy plant produces more than 600,000 liters of milk per day, and a very large variety of dairy products, therefore there are great fluctuations in the generated wastewater characteristics.
The dairy's wastewater is heavily loaded with COD and FOG and has to comply with the Israeli POTWs discharge regulations.
EPT has been contracted to design and construct a wastewater treatment plant for the removal of the various pollutant from the high strength wastewater. The plant configuration includes equalization, TSS&FOG removal by Dissolved Air Flotation system (DAF) and organic compounds removal by Bio-bulk reactor followed by a secondary clarifier. The produced biogas is reused in the dairy plants' low-pressure steam generators which reduces the dairys' natural gas consumption by 30%.
This plant set-up has successfully accomplished with removal of 90% COD, FOG and TSS, complying with the local regulations.